
Can You Keep Chicken on an Apartment Balcony?

Can You Keep Chicken on an Apartment Balcony?

Discover the world of urban farming and how keeping chickens in small spaces can lead to fresh eggs, environmental benefits, and a closer connection to nature.

Urban farming has gained immense popularity in recent years as people search for sustainable and local food sources. City dwellers are increasingly interested in growing their food, from balcony gardens to community plots.

Keeping chickens in small spaces has garnered significant attention among the various urban farming trends. The appeal of fresh eggs, the environmental benefits of raising chickens, and the desire to reconnect with nature has many city residents asking a crucial question: Is it possible to keep chickens on an apartment balcony?

In this blog post, we will explore the feasibility of raising chickens in such limited spaces, examine the pros and cons, and provide practical advice for those interested in pursuing this unique form of urban farming. So, let’s dive into the world of apartment balcony chicken-keeping!

Can you keep chicken on an apartment balcony?

Keeping chickens on an apartment balcony is possible, but it may not be the most suitable environment for them. Before keeping chickens on your apartment balcony, it is essential to consider local laws, space, noise, hygiene, weather protection, and predator protection.

Legal Considerations

Lease agreement

Before you embark on your chicken-keeping journey on your apartment balcony, it is crucial to consider the legal aspects. Keeping chickens in urban areas may be subject to local laws and regulations. Here are some key points to take into account:

Local Laws and Regulations

Various cities and towns have specific regulations regarding keeping chickens within city limits. Some areas may permit raising chickens, while others may have strict rules or outright ban the practice. It is essential to research your local laws to determine whether you can legally keep chickens in your area. You can find this information on your city or county’s website or by contacting your local zoning department.

Apartment Leases and Restrictions

Even if local laws permit keeping chickens, your apartment lease may have specific restrictions or prohibitions on keeping pets or livestock. Reviewing your lease and discussing your plans with your landlord before bringing chickens home is crucial. Failing to do so may result in penalties, fines, or eviction if your lease forbids raising chickens.

Consult with Your Landlord and Neighbors

To avoid potential issues, it is best to consult with your landlord and inform them about your plans. They may have concerns about noise, odors, or property damage that you must address. Additionally, discussing your intentions with your neighbors can help prevent future conflicts and ensure a harmonious living environment for you and your chickens.

Evaluating Your Balcony Space

Chicken and chicken coop

Once you have determined the legal considerations and obtained the necessary permissions, it’s time to assess the suitability of your balcony for raising chickens. Here are some crucial factors to consider:

Assessing Balcony Size and Chicken Capacity

The size of your balcony will determine the number of chickens you can comfortably accommodate. Generally, each chicken requires a minimum of 2-3 square feet of space in their coop and an additional 8-10 square feet in their outdoor run. Remember that providing more space per chicken is always better for their well-being.

Based on these guidelines, measure your balcony’s dimensions and calculate the maximum number of chickens it can comfortably house. Remember that overcrowding can lead to stress, disease, and behavioral issues among your flock.

Coop or Enclosure Requirements

Chickens need a secure and comfortable place to roost, lay eggs, and seek shelter from the elements. You must provide a coop or enclosure that fits within your balcony’s dimensions while offering enough space for your chickens to move freely.

Ensure the chicken coop has proper ventilation, nesting boxes, and roosting bars. The enclosure should be easy to clean and maintain. Moreover, it should be sturdy enough to withstand harsh weather conditions, as your balcony may be more exposed to the elements than a traditional backyard setting.

Safety Measures and Predator Protection

Apartment balconies often have railings, which may not provide sufficient protection against predators or prevent chickens from accidentally falling off. To ensure the safety of your chickens, you may need to install additional barriers, such as mesh or wire fencing, around your balcony’s perimeter.

Predator-proof latches or locks on the coop or enclosure doors are essential to protect your chickens from potential threats. Furthermore, consider any local predators that may pose a risk to your flock (e.g., birds of prey, raccoons) and implement appropriate measures to deter them.

Chicken Breed Selection

Choosing the right breed is essential when keeping chickens in small spaces like apartment balconies. Some breeds are better suited for confined spaces and urban environments due to their size, temperament, and noise levels. Here are a few suitable breeds for apartment balconies, along with their pros and cons:

1. Bantam Chickens

Bantam Chicken


  • Smaller size: Bantam chickens are miniature versions of standard chicken breeds, making them ideal for limited spaces.
  • Good temperament: Many Bantam breeds are friendly and docile, which is beneficial in close quarters.
  • Less noisy: Bantams are generally quieter than their larger counterparts, making them more suitable for apartment living.


  • Smaller eggs: Bantams lay smaller eggs than standard breeds, which may be considered if egg production is a priority.
  • Lower egg-laying frequency: Bantams may lay fewer eggs per week than larger breeds.

2. Serama Chickens

Serama Chickens


  • Smallest breed: Serama chickens are the smallest, perfect for apartment balconies.
  • Friendly nature: Seramas are known for their pleasant and gentle temperament.
  • Aesthetically pleasing: Seramas are an attractive addition to your urban farm with their upright posture and full plumage.


  • Limited egg production: Seramas lay small eggs and have a lower egg-laying frequency than other breeds.

3. Silkie Chickens

Silkie Chickens


  • Small size: Silkie chickens are a small breed that can comfortably live in confined spaces.
  • Affectionate nature: Silkies are known for their sweet and friendly disposition, making them excellent pets.
  • Broodiness: Silkies are known to be good mothers, which can be an advantage if you plan to hatch chicks.


  • Moderate egg production: Silkies lay a moderate number of small to medium-sized eggs.
  • High maintenance: Their unique feathering requires additional grooming and care to prevent matting and maintain cleanliness.

Providing Basic Needs

Raising chickens on an apartment balcony requires careful attention to their basic needs. Ensuring your chickens are well-cared for will contribute to their overall health and happiness. Here are the essentials for raising chickens on a balcony:

Food and Water

Chickens need access to clean water and a balanced diet to thrive. Provide a constant supply of fresh water in a container that is easy to clean and refill. Chickens can drink large amounts of water daily, so monitor the water levels and replenish them as needed.

Offer a nutritionally complete feed designed for your chickens’ specific age and breed. Layer feed, for example, contains the necessary nutrients for egg-laying hens. Supplement their diet with occasional treats like fruits, vegetables, and grains in moderation.

Nesting Boxes

Chickens require a quiet and comfortable space to lay their eggs. Provide one nesting box for every 3-4 hens in your flock. Nesting boxes should be spacious, well-ventilated, and lined with soft bedding like straw or wood shavings. Regularly clean and replace the bedding to maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of disease.


Perches offer a place for chickens to roost and sleep off the ground, which is essential for their well-being. Install sturdy perches inside the coop, ensuring enough space for all the chickens in your flock. Perches should be positioned at least 2 feet off the ground and placed 10-12 inches apart.

Shade and Shelter

Your balcony should provide adequate shade and shelter to protect your chickens from harsh weather conditions, such as intense sunlight, rain, or strong winds. Consider adding a roof or awning to shield your chickens from the elements, and provide additional protection with windbreaks or privacy screens if necessary.

Proper Waste Management

Maintaining a clean environment is crucial for your chickens’ health and enjoying your balcony space. Develop a routine for cleaning the coop and disposing of waste to minimize odors and prevent the spread of disease. Consider using a bedding material that is easy to clean, such as pine shavings, and replace it frequently. Regularly remove and compost or dispose of waste in accordance with local guidelines.

Balancing Chicken Welfare and Neighbor Relations

Neighbor discussion

Being a responsible chicken owner means caring for your flock and maintaining good relations with your neighbors. Raising chickens on an apartment balcony can pose challenges like noise and cleanliness concerns. Here are some tips for balancing chicken welfare and neighbor relations:

Be Mindful of Noise

While chickens are generally quieter than dogs, they can still make noise, particularly during egg-laying or if they feel threatened. Choose chicken breeds known for their low noise levels and avoid keeping roosters, which are significantly louder than hens.

If noise is still a concern, consider soundproofing measures for your coop, such as adding insulation or installing a solid barrier between the coop and your neighbors’ living spaces.

Address Cleanliness Concerns

A clean and well-maintained coop benefits your chickens and helps maintain positive relations with your neighbors. Regularly clean the coop and remove waste to minimize odors and the potential for attracting pests. Use bedding materials that are easy to clean and dispose of waste according to local guidelines.

Share the Bounty

One way to foster goodwill with your neighbors is to share the fruits of your labor. Offering fresh eggs or produce from your balcony garden can help build rapport and demonstrate the benefits of urban farming.

Open Communication

Keep an open line of communication with your neighbors, informing them of your plans to raise chickens on your balcony and addressing any concerns they may have. By discussing your intentions and demonstrating responsible chicken-keeping practices, you can help to prevent potential conflicts and maintain a harmonious living environment.

Alternatives to Keeping Chickens on a Balcony

Urban farming

If keeping chickens on your apartment balcony is not feasible due to space, legal, or neighbor concerns, alternative options exist for participating in urban farming and supporting sustainable agriculture. Here are some ideas to consider:

Community Gardens and Urban Farms

Many cities have community gardens or urban farms that allow residents to participate in local food production. Some of these gardens or farms may have chicken-keeping options, allowing you to care for and benefit from chickens without housing them on your balcony. This can be a great way to learn about chicken care and connect with like-minded community members.

Partner with a Neighbor

If you have a neighbor with a suitable yard for raising chickens, consider partnering with them to share the responsibilities and benefits of chicken-keeping. This arrangement allows you to enjoy the advantages of fresh eggs and the companionship of chickens while minimizing the challenges associated with raising chickens on a balcony.

Support Local Farms

Another way to contribute to sustainable agriculture and enjoy farm-fresh eggs is by supporting local farms that practice responsible and environmentally friendly farming methods. Purchase eggs, produce, and other products from these farms or join a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program to receive a regular fresh, locally-grown food supply.


Keeping chickens on an apartment balcony is feasible for those who carefully consider the legal, spatial, and welfare aspects involved.

As urban farming gains popularity, raising chickens in small spaces can provide a sustainable food source and foster a greater connection to the environment.

However, it is essential for potential chicken keepers to prioritize the well-being of their birds and maintain a harmonious relationship with their neighbors.

Considering these factors, raising chickens on a balcony can be a rewarding and eco-friendly experience.

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Zoltan Szatmari

Zoltan is a test and industrial engineer from Europe who loves learning anything new and working on small projects. When he is not working, he is usually hiking or going to the cinema.

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